
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Landry...

I had the honor of being a guest at my dear friends' wedding last night. I've known Olivia for several years now as a friend and fellow artist. I wanted to do something special for her and her groom. Here is their wedding present which I drew up a few weeks back and got framed for them. Olivia's constant companion, Scrappy is posed in her arms and Luke with his guitar.

The newlyweds also got another gift of art as there were four easels with canvases set up at the reception for guests to paint and fill in what was a four panel Day of the Dead style wedding portrait for them to take home! Here are some pics of the process...

This is one of the neatest things I've ever seen at a wedding! It's the details that make something like this really fun. Pictures of the bride and groom were pasted on the paints...

Aurora and Academic Elite Brad Reagan filling in some colors...

Marathon Village
provided an intimate atmosphere for their reception with a gorgeous view of the Nashville skyline. Joe Davidson touching things up (this guy is all class)...

Here is the final product after several hours and dozens of artists worked the canvases. What a cool gift to mark the occasion. Congrats guys! We love you both!


  1. it was so wonderful!!! we love our piece of art from you and the fact that you and aurora had such a good time. :)

  2. True said, Brandt! Great wedding, great folks, great fun! We were so happy to be there, Luke and Olivia, and glad to see so many old friends from Chattanooga and newer friends as well. SUPER venue at Marathon Village! I'm going to be posting some pix myself ...


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