
Saturday, November 13, 2010

This Year, Give the Gift of Art!

The madness of the holiday season is quickly closing in on us. I'm all stocked up on tons of goodies that need good homes and I'll be liquidating some of them to you dear viewer. You have a good chance to snag some unique gifts for your open-minded, third-eye-wide family and friends the next few weeks.

I've posted some of my limited edition prints back on Ebay this month. (Click here to view the listings!) All prints have a starting bid of 99 cents and will only be in auction for 7 days! Why? 'Tis the season baby! These bad boys usually go quick and I've shipped them all over the world, so get a gander today and keep an eye on the ones you're interested in. I'm also signing prints at your request... just notate when you PayPal if you want a personalized signature to the intended recipient of your gift. I can also ship their print directly to them with a gift notice from you- again, just drop me a message.

I also have copies of my Third Eye Book available still! There's only about five left so they won't be here for long. (Click here for a preview / Purchase info at the bottom of the page) Click the Buy Now button and you don't even have to elbow drop anyone in front of their children to get the last one.

The first printing of my Topsy-Turvy book is almost sold out as well. (Click here for a preview / Purchase info also at the bottom of the page) These books are the most original item I have. The book can be opened from either side of the cover for a new journey through the full-color works.

I've also got Christmas cards on order of my own design and will be getting them out to you guys soon. If you haven't already, drop me your snail mail address at to get on the list! If you are a fan or viewer, I owe you a card, don't be shy!

Merry Shopping and Happy Holidays from DREGstudios!

P.S. I also have in the neighborhood of 70 framed originals for sale. Email me to make arrangements for viewing. I'll let you dig through them and get a one of a kind gift for your lucky friend / family member!

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