
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

FROZEN STIFF: The Devil and Sarah Palin

Untitled Nashville will host it's newest group exhibit, FROZEN STIFF this Friday evening from 6-10PM at Corsair Artisan Distillery.  I developed a relationship with the Untitled group back in 2005 when I began participating in their quarterly art events.  Each show has a unique theme and a different location throughout the year.  I have exhibited my art in several of these over the past few years including my favorite, their annual GLOW show where everything is black-light, self-lit, or glows in the dark.  This is a great avenue for new artists eager to display their work in a public setting as these events are known to host up to 100 artists at a time!

Untitled's slogan is "Uncensored Art for Unlimited Audiences."  I've never really pushed the bounds of this motto with my submissions in the past but this week I will with a new piece entitled "The Devil and Sarah Palin."  I can only show you a detail shot before the exhibit dear viewer in order to maintain no adult content and keep our fun together here at my blog open to all ages (a standard which I'm sure I've already stretched thin at times.)  The complete illustration includes many other elements not shown here including The Pope, The Holy Bible, A Cobra, A Rosary, and an Automatic Assault Rifle.  You'll simply have to use your imagination as to how all of these elements come into play until Friday night.

The Washington Monument
was added for its phallic
accentuation of my moose-
head vibrator.

I do not intend to debate whether Sarah Palin is indeed the Anti-Christ incarnate here on earth.  I have simply created a colorful work of art to fully vent my feelings about what she represents.  She is the centerfold and mouthpiece for a misled, war-mongering, capitalist right wing agenda misguiding and destroying everything America stands for... and now I can share her with the world and get all the bad feelings behind me.  A follower of Palin would contend that this type of art is immoral and destroys the very fabric of America by distorting and twisting the concept of freedom of speech.  Of course, this is the case with everything they do!  By closing your mind, emptying your wallet, and keeping you at home sucked into the idiot box in your living room- your rights and best interests are squandered from you dollar by dollar and day by day as the commercials and billboards paint a pretty picture of all the things you still need to complete your American lifestyle and truly be the freest in the land.

Part of this work is political and part is religious.  The two aren't supposed to mix but tell that to the GOP, where a good portion of their campaigning is done from the pulpit on Sunday mornings.  Now their most popular campaign magnet is the sex-symbol of Alaska's own starlet.  I wanted to create a work as absurd as Sarah Palin herself and I believe I have accomplished such.  You have your chance to tell me this weekend...

I hope you brave the weather and make it out to join me at FROZEN STIFF this Friday night!  There will be live music, sampling of Corsair Artisan's microbrews and even an ice sculpture made just for the show!  When you find the transvestite Satan wearing a Sarah Palin mask, masturbating with a Bible on her knee, you've found The Artwork of Brandt Hardin... see you there.

1200 Clinton Street / Nashville, TN 37203
Friday, December 17th from 6PM-10PM

Bobby and I discussing the finer points of free thought terrorism
UPdate 12/24/2010
 The exhibit this last weekend was a very rewarding experience.  From the time I arrived until the close of the show, there was a constant buzz about my piece... people laughing, gasping, pointing, taking pictures with their phones and even posing with the work.  Man what a fun night with great local music, brew, and friends around to have the last laugh.

Great local entertainment throughout the evening!
My sister Becca and Paul were in from Phoenix and kept us company
I was slightly off cue... I was supposed to be covering the "L" on the ice sculpture

12/27/10:  More pics my sister posted today when she got home.....
Manuel and Sarah Carranza with Dan and Colleen Marshall

My sister, Becca with Aurora

My sister's first night back in town.  Nothing better than a swank art show!

Hamming it up with the Untitled Nashville ice sculpture


  1. Oh Brandt, how is it possible that you write as beautifully as you paint/draw? Such a treat to continue to grow in amazement at your delightful talents and gifts!

  2. Thanks for the warm compliments Peg. I'm glad you enjoy reading my rantings and that they come out clearly! They are the two great loves of my life (besides my wife of course)- drawing and writing. I've abandoned one for the other a few times over the course of my artistic journey and am finding a new treat in fusing them together here to tell the stories of my labor.

  3. I really wish this was going to go all weekend. I will do my best to make it. I want to see the moosehead vibe in person

  4. I hope you can make it out tonight Dano! It would be good to see you brother. It will be worth it I promise.


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