
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Illustration Friday: The Downsized Skeleton

inks on paper / 2007
Here is my first entry for a neat site I just got turned on to called Illustration Friday.  Every week they present a different theme for artists to post work around.  My entry for this week's theme, "Winter," is from a series which I've toyed around with the past couple of years called Ballad of the Skeletons.  These are based on the poem of the same name by Allen Ginsberg.  I can't give him enough love this week after watching Howl (see my review from earlier this week.) Every skeleton in the poem has a line of dialog...

Said the downsized skeleton,
Robot's got my job.  

For the meantime I've put this series on the back-burner since I got tangled up in some other projects.  I want to make much more intricate works with the remaining skeletons I have to illustrate. The themes of this poem stand the test of time and are all still relevant today.  I drew this is 2007 but pulling it back up for this online exhibit, it struck me how much more the image hits home after the financial problems we've all had this year.  Folks are falling on hard times not only because of technology but now from outsourcing work to foreign countries.  The guy at the top makes more as the poor schmucks at the bottom lose their jobs to employees who don't require as much pay or benefits.  The American worker is left out in the cold with little notice and/or severance.

(Click here to see all my Illustration Friday weekly entries) 

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