
Friday, January 28, 2011

Illustration Friday: Arresting Apple

"Arresting Apple" Inks on Paper / 2005

Illustration Friday has chosen this week's theme as "Surrender."  

My immediate train of thought when reading this was surrendering to temptation- which brought me to an older work about original sin.   This was one of the first works I ever displayed in a gallery setting at Alter Gallery in 2005 in Clarksville, TN.  I traded it to the curator, Miranda for some free framing!

Is the snake eating the apple, or infecting it?

(Click here to see all my Illustration Friday weekly entries)


  1. The apple never stood a chance. Great illo!

  2. Whoa, fascinating illustration!

  3. I appreciate the feedback guys! Thank you for commenting.

  4. love the apples and the dip and trip ...old skewl

  5. Cool you remembered where that name came from! Good times... good times!


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