
Saturday, January 1, 2011

SACRED TEXTS at The Tennessee Art League

My newest art exhibit, SACRED TEXTS opens January 8th at The Tennessee Art League's Premier Gallery in Downtown Nashville during the First Saturday Art Crawl. This show is nearly five years in the making, consisting of works created in 2006-2007.  I'm thrilled and excited to finally get this body of work into a public setting thanks to TAL curator Terri Jordan, who was very receptive to the concept of these pieces and was eager as myself to get them an audience.

Click and download the flyer below so you'll have all the details!
On display for the months of January and February will be selected works from two series:  Declaration of Tears; Trail of Independence (illustrations on pages from The Declaration of Independence) and Sacred Texts (illustrations on pages from The Holy Bible.)  All works are composed with lighter colors being used for the outlines of the subject matter in order to preserve the black text of the pages in tact beneath the art.  The themes sometimes compliment and sometimes contradict the literature on which they are created.  There is a story to be told with each individual work and I hope you join us to see these bright and beautiful images in person.

[Click here for my blog about the Declaration of Tears; Trail of Independence including an artist statement on my motivations and intentions with these works]
The Bear (left) and Dogfish (right) from Declaration of Tears; Trail of Independence
These works utilize Native American imagery on pages from The Bill of Right and The Declaration of Independence.

Sacred Texts:  Architecture
Sacred Texts:  Angel
(Certain works from both series of illustrations are composed on multiple pages.) 

I will have two artist receptions for this solo exhibit, which will be held from 5-8PM on both Saturday, January 8th and Saturday, February 5th during Nashville's Downtown Art Crawl.  (Please note that the January Art Crawl will be held on the 8th since the first Saturday is New Year's Day.)  I will be in attendance on both of these nights to discuss my work.  I hope to see you tackle the winter chill and get out to see not only my exhibit but all the fine arts which the participating galleries have to offer.

The Tennessee Art League
Premier Gallery (First Floor)
808 Broadway / Nashville, TN 37203

I've also designed a special book compiling the complete works from both of these series.  This collection includes the illustrations which will be on display as well as others which have already been shown in previous settings and found homes.  The Sacred Texts book is 76 full-color pages with artist statements about both series as well as the lore behind each individual work from Declaration of Tears; Trail of Independence.  A limited first edition (just 20 copies available on a first-come first-serve basis) will be on sale at the opening for $20 each.  Here's your sneak peek...

UPDATE 01/09/11
 The opening last night was a true success in many ways.  I had hours of wonderful and thought-provoking conversation with friends and art walkers alike.  Many thanks to everyone for coming out and seeing my work.  You breathe life into it with your eyes.

Some pics from this the opening reception Saturday night.  I'll be back at the TAL on February 5th for the next Art Crawl.  Sacred Texts runs through the end of February.

Two works from Declaration of Tears; Trail of Independence


My cousin Nancy with her daughter Rachel

My cousin Sam

"Bullet With Butterfly Wings"


With local low brow artist, Jeff Bertrand

Scottie and his squeeze made the ride up from Clarksville to see the exhibit.

Of course Elias bought The Beaver.  I'm glad it has a good home now where it will be so deeply appreciated.

With my good friend Dan, who put us up for the night with an after party.

Mr. Benji Walker, freshly transplanted from Knoxville, enjoying one of his first weekends in town.

Student Film Maker, Julian Herrera

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