
Friday, February 25, 2011

Illustration Friday: Send in the Clowns

Inks on Bristol / 2008
"Swarm" is the theme the good art-prompting folks at Illustration Friday threw at us this morning.  My entry for this week is a Topsy-Turvy (Click Here for more on this series), entitled "Send in the Clowns."  The illustration was made for a three-man show I did with Jeff Bertrand and Charles Bennett for The Roxy Theater's production of a My Way: A Tribute to Frank Sinatra here in Clarksville.  This was one of the first times I had the pleasure of exhibiting at the Roxy and have worked with them once or twice a year since, making original artwork for their Peg Harvil Gallery to accompany productions such as Dracula and Julius Caesar.

[Click HERE for my post on Dracula: The Musical]

Some people are petrified of clowns.  When I was young, my mother had this clown painting in my room and I was terrified of it and often laid in bed just hiding from the gaze of this Norman Rockwell-looking hobo clown.  So now I draw creepy clowns which scare other people.  If you saw a "swam" of clowns coming, which way would you run?

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