
Friday, April 8, 2011

Illustration Friday: Chugger

"Topsy-Turvy: Chugger" Inks on Paper / 2007
"Bottled" is the theme for this week's Illustration Friday, for which I've chosen to share another piece of art with you from my Topsy-Turvy series (where the works can be hung either side up to create a different perspective on the image.)  This particular piece was displayed in my first Topsy-Turvy exhibit in 2007 at The Icehouse Cafe.  I had a contest to see who could stand on their head the longest to win a free work of art! 

Beer has been bottled since the 16th Century, however the modern college student has found many different ways to ingest the jolly juice more and more efficiently including beer bongs, shotgunning devices, and countless drinking games and general excuses to see how much beer they can possibly pickle themselves with in one sitting. 

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