
Friday, May 27, 2011

Flashed Photography (Collaborations with Chad Spann)

This Saturday night, No Egrets Tattoo is hosting another spectacular group exhibit, Flashed Photography.  Another brain child of Joe Melanson, this event will feature over twenty regional photographers and artists (including myself) displaying their work for the public.  This event is absolutely FREE and will have entertainment from three DJ's providing the house music.  You're also in for a treat with another themed cake from Heather Bowker.  If you didn't see her Television Cake from the last show at No Egrets, Retro TV Night, Click HERE for my post about the show to check out all the fun and get an idea of what you're in for THIS Saturday night!

So what's the big idea?  How am I in a Photography exhibit?  No, I didn't suddenly take to the streets with my trusty camera and try to conquer another art form.  I have enough illustration and painting projects to keep me busy for the next year!

Chad Spann is one of my favorite photographers, and not just because he can hold his alcohol and make me dribble in my pants with obscene laughter every time I hang out with him.  Chad has a real eye for the world and capturing the macabre and beautifully surreal things he sees.  Chad's gift is that when he takes his shot, you can see what he saw and take that trip with him every time.

"Cheers" Mixed Media / 2011 (Brandt Hardin and Chad Spann)
"Get Your Funnel Cake" Mixed Media / 2011
Chad and I had been toying with the idea of some mixed media collaborations all year.  We wanted to
take my illustration and digitally incorporate it into some pics that Chad would take.  The idea sat on the back burner, making it's own gravy until this exhibit surfaced to provide us with a forum for our new-found idea.

For the exhibit Saturday night, we'll have eight collaborations just like these to unveil to the public.  Pics include some shots Chad took from Waffle House, a Skate Park, and a Carnival!  Of course, I went in and illustrated figures into the works.  This was a new experimental process for me, not only by adding my drawings to photos, but digitally coloring most of them as well.

The show kicks off at 7PM Saturday night, May 28th at No Egrets Tattoo (1128 College St / Clarksville.)  The exhibit is FREE and OPEN to the Public!

"Silverware at Dinner" Mixed Media
 UPDATE 05/29/2011
Here are some great pics Aurora got of our one night exhibit at No Egrets Tattoo...

Myself and Chad Spann unveiling our new series!

Subject matter varied from zombies to comics to panties...

Some great stencil work on the evolving walls at No Egrets

Another themed custom cake from Heather Bowker!
Myself and Jeff Bertrand laying down some free-style acrylics...

Loyd Gant got involved with all three of us painting at once.
Our curator, Joe Melanson has ways of collecting his commissions you don't want to know about.

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