
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rock Star Martyr: Kristen Pfaff

On today's date in 1994, Kristen Pfaff left our world at the age of 27... that magic number in the cult of the dead star.  I'll save her tragic story for Joebot to weave for you with his silver-forked tongue at Rock Star Martyr today.  It's not a paying gig here on Earth, but the material Joe gives me to draw from can't hurt in scoring a front row seat to the baddest ass supergroup show ever when I punch my own ticket.

Make sure to get over to today to check out ALL of the early departed I've illustrated for Joebot's articles.

Click HERE for more Rock Star Portraits here on my site!

Neato Facts: 

I used Seattle as the backdrop of my portrait for today's article.  Pfaff died in the city the night before she was to return to her old band in Minneapolis, Janitor Joe. 

There are 27 black and white stars in the sky in reference to The 27 Club

Sketch and Line Work

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