
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Southern Pop Surrealism PRESS RELEASE

"Monkey Worship" inks on bristol / 2011
 I whipped up our PRESS RELEASE this evening for our trip to The Big Easy next month and thought it was worth while to share what I wrote...

Southern Pop Surrealism

The Artwork of Charles Bennett, Jeff Bertrand, Dustin Dirt! and Brandt Hardin


The original Surrealism movement of the 1920’s was the most visionary and revolutionary change to ever occur in the mainstream arts world.  With the invention of the camera, art had slowly degenerated and transitioned from its need for realism over the previous thirty years.  Most Popular Art didn’t require as much technical skill, but rather an expression of movement and composition.  Surrealism required realistic imagery to be twisted and morphed into a dreamlike, hallucinogenic state… this loosening of reality inspired everything from film to animation to even written works with surrealist poetry.  A few decades further in time, Pop Art emerged in the 1960’s, using imagery in popular culture from mediums such as comics and television.  Flash forward to today, in which the fusion and evolution of popular arts has brought forth a new doctrine with Pop Surrealism.  Middle Tennessee artists Charles Bennett, Jeff Bertrand, Dustin Dirt! and Brandt Hardin prescribe to this movement and bring their twisted take on reality to the Zeitgeist Multi-Disciplinary Arts Center in July!

Saturday, July 16th from 6-9PM, the exhibiting artists will be on hand for the opening reception of Southern Pop Surrealism.  This event will be curated by Myron Warden and Rene Broussard (founder and Executive Director of Zeitgeist Multi-Disciplinary Arts Center.)  Admission to the show is $7 ($5 for members) and includes live painting, live poetry, live music and body painting along with a special screening of surrealist short films.  Create your own piece of surrealism and enter the Costume Contest to win artwork from the exhibiting artists!

Contact information, yadda yadda ya... and boom- artist samples (including mine from above!)
Dustin Dirt!
Charles Bennett

Jeff Bertrand

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