
Friday, November 25, 2011

Illustration Friday: Sun Mantra

Round is the theme for this week from Illustration Friday. The illustration I chose to share today incorporates a few unique concepts and is called "Sun Mantra." This triptych is from 2008 though I've not displayed or framed it as of yet.
Sun Mantra / inks on bristol / 2008
The tiny peace sign in the middle of the sun you may recognize as my branded symbol made out of bones which you see all over my site. The element found its way into a couple of other works the past couple of years and I drew the peace sign again by itself late last year to begin using as sort of a signature for many of my designs and promotional materials. The strongest element of this composition though is the gradation of the eyes around the inside of the sun. These eyes cycle through a spectrum of grey tones and give much life, movement and visual context to the work.


  1. The colors are really cool and I love the curly tendrils. The teeny city is cool, too. Maybe you can help me with a question I have! Why do some folks submit work they did in the past? Are you planning to work on this one more?

  2. Thanks Cindy! I know that some people post new art weekly which they make from the theme IF provides. I myself just share what I have based on the theme. It's a good way for me to talk about illustrations I wouldn't normally get to share which I've done in the past since I'm only two years into blogging about my current work.

  3. Ah ha, well I can see that. But maybe *sometimes* do a new one, just to challenge yourself to do something a bit differently than normal, and with time constraints? At least it works that way for me. (It's nice to see something so different and happier, if only to give yourself a little break from our depressing state of current affairs!)


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