
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Painting in a Different Manor

Er... manner.  Aurora and I are knee deep in renovations and a couple of short weeks away from moving in to our new home here in Clarksville.  I spent the weekend painting including the three coats of Kilz it took to prime the NEW DREGstudios Home Office! I'm sure the walls won't stay white for long... I'll keep you updated!

Almost AFTER... (The baseboards are re-painted a glossy black)

BEFORE... That classy spray paint job was how I found the place (it covers up some colorful teenage angst sharpie graffiti from what I can tell!) Our floors are being redone this week in a Spice Brown.

I'm compelled to also plug a few folks who helped us get our home and who are making our transition a smooth and happy one...

Thanks SO much guys!

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