
Sunday, March 3, 2013

REFLECTIVE (The Art of Miranda Herrick)

This afternoon, I made it to the Customs House Museum here in town by the skin of my teeth for the last day of my friend Miranda's new art exhibit.  Her collection of works on display span the past five years and include pen and ink illustrations as well as some groovy art made from recyclables.  I've always been fond of her visionary patterns which just keep getting bigger and better each year.  Miranda has curated and owned a few local art spots in Clarksville and Nashville over the past 10 plus years and was very influential in dragging me into a gallery setting to display my own work.  In turn, I'd like to share some of hers with you here!  Visit her on facebook to see more and drop her a line about her psychedelic creations!

From "Works and Days," a collection of 365 daily drawings spanning the course of an entire year which were originally displayed in their entirety at MIR Gallery in Nashville.  The entire body of work also runs through the color spectrum!

A small patron admiring Miranda's small works!

High Life and PBR cans repurposed into pattern by the Artist

Bar Codes

Miranda added a new layer of depth to her Prismacolor illustrations by making them 3D

Congrats to Miranda on another Brilliant Exhibit!

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