
Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Wife Owns THIS Town!

My wife and I are both products of counter-culture parents and along with that territory comes our unique names.  Aurora knows she'll never find a souvenir with her name emblazoned on it in a gift shop anywhere in the world.  Of course, being a Brandt, I found it to be the same for myself throughout my childhood.  In mapping our route through Land Between the Lakes for our day trip this past weekend, I noticed a small town across Kentucky Lake from LBL named Aurora, KY.  As kind of a gag, I drove my wife there for a photo op and the joke really was on us as we found her name printed on most everything in this rural southern town.  Here's how one picture turned into an hour off driving around shooting and laughing....

The Fabulous Western Gateway to LBL!

The Bridge to Aurora

While I love bridges, my wife is terrified!

"Come As You Are..." I can dig a Church who is down with Nirvana

Holy Ghost Powa!

Aurora Electric

Aurora Highway

Aurora Self-Storage

Aurora Bar-B-Que

Aurora One Stop.... the bikers were giving us dirty looks as we took pictures of all the local businesses

The Old Country Store was a blast... bought some vintage postcards to draw on!

A Barrel of Asses!  (Glasses, if you walk all the way around but I figured I'd share my own double-take with you!)

Old Moonshine Still in front of the Store

Ya'll come again ya Hear!

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