
Monday, April 29, 2013


At our Housewarming Party last month, we were fortunate enough to be blessed with the company of a whole slew of colorful folks we call friends.  With their presence also came presents!  Just one of the awesome gifts we received was a picture frame to hold a few memories for our new home (Thanks Scottie and Randi!)  The best part of new picture frames are the stock photos included inside!  More often than not, these are happy white-and-privileged looking children in staged poses just asking to be defaced by the magic of the ink pen.  In my typical spontaneous fashion, I took to one of these particular pictures and spent a few minutes zombifying my cute little subject with a small liner.... Enjoy!

Aurora and I replaced zombie girl and her family with some pictures from our vacation to St George Island last year!  These shots are from the Wildlife Reserve on the Island and Under the Oaks Park on the mainland not far  from our destination.

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