
Sunday, May 19, 2013

LiTTLE DEATHS Artists' Reception

(Cupcakes from Heather Bowker.... thanks gal!)
Last night we had our Artists' Reception for Little Deaths at No Egrets Tattoo here in Clarksville.  The Wolfman  and I got to hang out in their swank new exhibition space for a Live Painting session!  It was a great feeling to work in front of a crowd of our friends and patrons.  Thanks to Joe Melanson (curator) and the No Egrets staff for giving us such a warm welcome.  Here's some pics from our three man exhibit with Jeff Bertrand along with the painting we worked on throughout the evening...

Mr and Mrs Griff

The Wolfman sprayed out a background for us on a wood panel before coming down to the show.  With the theme of Little Deaths, we chose to paint The Red Death (Charles had a Poe portrait in the exhibit) and a Reaper, which I fashioned with a third eye and the voice of death!

Click HERE to read about Cyborg Steve Jobs vs. Cyborg Bill Gates!

In our usual fashion, we recorded the shenanigans last night so keep your eyes peeled this week for a NEW Southern Pop Surrealism video to see how we all this down...

The finished product! (Spray Paint and Acrylics on Wood / 2013)

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