
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Some of that FiRE

"Some of that Fire" Red Felt Pen on Scrap Paper

Celebrities set fires
to great acclaim;

governments set fires 
to cover their aim.
The village sets fire 
to gather for the feast; 

the army sets fire
 to feed the war beast.  

I set fires to release my mind; 

I set fires to leave it all behind. 

Click HERE for more RHYME & REASON

The doodle shared here today is a bit different.  If you notice it's on a pattern of my patented PEACE SIGNS! For recent exhibits, I've used this pattern as a background when printing out the title blocks for my work.  My canvas for this chicken scratching was a piece of scrap I salvaged from the last batch. You can click HERE for an ARCHIVE of my DOODLES! 

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