
Sunday, August 25, 2013

A #ZOMBIE is Entitled to Change his Mind!

Front and Back - The First Two PROOFS
My PROOF Copies of my ZOMBIE WALK OF FAME book arrived!!! They were misprinted!!! Wait, no "!!!" Womp womp woooooooooomp...  So seriously- I'm super-stoked about finally having a book of this entire collection of zombie illustrations in my hands.  Over 120 pages of glorious zombie gore and a three year process is the largest accomplishment in my art to date.  After mulling the proofs over, I decided to change the cover and re-order them with correct page count.  The printer did a beautiful job but screwed up the first and last page which are supposed to be white like the inside of the cover (which threw off the page layout for the entire book.) I screwed up by doing too much with my name and adding art to the letters which makes it damn-near impossible to read.  Corrections on both ends will have us ready for the next step. I'm about to begin an application process with KickStarter to get this bad boy crowd-funded and IN YOUR HANDS!

The Final Product will have an all-white layout at the front and back where I can sign them (and probably draw in them in certain cases!)

Dr Seuss Zombie and William Shatner Zombie!

Groucho Marx Zombie and Ed McMahon Zombie!

The FINAL Cover!


  1. This is too cool man! Love it!

  2. The final cover looks extremely cool. Where will the book be sold? I'm from the UK, can I buy it online?

    1. Many thanks Paul! I'm looking at doing a KickStarter campaign in October where you'll be able to pledge to fund the printing of the books. Essentially you'll be able to "pre-order" your book by pledging. I'll have my Web Store relaunched after the printing and will be shipping books and prints world-wide!


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