
Friday, August 16, 2013

Book Cover for the ZOMBIE WALK of FAME!

If you didn't hear me from 100 miles away exclaiming my glee yesterday, here's what the ruckus is all about...
Wraparound Cover for the ZOMBIE WALK of FAME Book

After three years in the making, I've ordered the first two PROOF copies of my ZOMBIE WALK of FAME book which includes 101 zombified portraits of stars from the Hollywood Walk of Fame!  I hope you've had as much fun watching the creation as I've had evoking the decimation through my colors.  We still have a hill to climb though as I'm now in the infant stages of planning a KickStarter campaign to fund the printing of this epic 120 pages of FULL COLOR guts and gore.  As my friends, fans and supporters, you'll have the first crack at crowd-funding my project where you can donate to the cause.  How does it work?  Well, you'll get the specifics later but you will be able to donate money toward my printing project and in exchange, I'll be giving away signed copies of the book, zombie portraits and much much more!

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