
Thursday, September 12, 2013


On September 11, I had the immense joy of being inspired by the journey of 1000 years of artwork which The Philadephia Museum of Art provides.  My sister Becca drove Aurora and I to the City of Brotherly Love to get in some tourism as we are staying with her in Maryland this week.  We spent the early afternoon at Reading Terminal Market for some shopping and a lunch of the World's Best Sandwich at DiNic's.  The bulk of the day however was at the Museum soaking in a seemingly endless collection of art.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, I left with millions storming my inspired brain!  I'll be changed for the rest of my life by witnessing in person so many masterpieces from art history.  Enjoy some of the highlights of the collection with this sampling of the more than 500 pictures we took...

"Ben Franklin Drawing Electricity from the Sky" Benjamin West (Oil on Slate / 1816)

Ben Franklin Bust

"The Burning of the Houses of Parliament" Joseph Mallord William Turner (Oil on Canvas 1834-1835)

"The Large Bathers" Paul Cezanne (Oil on Canvas / 1906)

"Cobalt Blue Macchia Set with Red Lip Wraps" Dale Chihuly (Glass / 1986)

"Annette in a Red Blouse" Alberto Giacometti (Oil on Canvas / 1954)

Detail from "Three Scenes of Real Life" Bruce Metcalf (1977)

"Poplars on the Bank of the Epte River" Claude Monet (Oil on Canvas / 1891)

"Marine View with a Sunset" Claude Monet (Oil on Canvas / 1875)

"Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels" Carlo Crivelli (Tempera and Tooled Gold on Panel / 1472)

Detail from "Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels" Carlo Crivelli 

Detail from "Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels" Carlo Crivelli 

Detail from "Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels" Carlo Crivelli 

Panels of an Alterpiece by Allegretto Nuzi (1346 / Tempera with Silver and Tooled Gold on Panels)

"Between Rounds" Thomas Eakins (Oil on Canvas / 1898-99)

Detail from "Between Rounds" Thomas Eakins

"The Agnew Clinic" Thomas Eakins (Oil on Canvas / 1889)

Becca viewing "The Agnew Clinic" Thomas Eakins

Detail of "The Agnew Clinic" Thomas Eakins

Detail of "The Agnew Clinic" Thomas Eakins

Studies by Thomas Eakins

"The Lifeline" Winslow Homer (Oil on Canvas / 1884)

"The Source of Life" Leon Frederic (Oil on Canvas / 1890)

"Hound Coursing a Stag" George Stubbs (Oil on Canvas / 1762)

"The Last Drop (The Gay Cavalier)" Judith Leyster (Oil on Canvas / 1639)

Detail from "The Last Drop (The Gay Cavalier)" Judith Leyster

"The Young Recruits" Christian Schuessele (Oil on Canvas / 1855)

Detail from "The Young Recruits" Christian Schuessele

"Silenus and the Satyrs" Cima da Conegliano (Oil on Panel / 1505)

"The Abduction" Noel Nicolas Coypel (Oil on Panel / 1717)

"Sleeping Girl" Roy Lichtenstein (Oil and Magna on Canvas / 1964)

Prometheus Vase

Portrait of George Washington

"Rachel Weeping" Charles Willson Peale (Oil on Canvas / 1818)

Detail from "Rachel Weeping" Charles Willson Peale

"Statue of Jules Bastien-Lepage" Auguste Rodin (1889)

"Scourging of the Four Crowned Martyrs" Niccolo di Pietro Gerini (Tempera, Silver and Tooled Gold on Panel / 1385)

Detail from "Scourging of the Four Crowned Martyrs" Niccolo di Pietro Gerini

"Man with a Violin" Pablo Picasso (Oil on Canvas / 1911-12)

"Man with a Guitar" Pablo Picasso (Oil on Canvas / 1912)

"Old Woman with Gloves" Pablo Picasso (Oil on Cardboard / 1901)

"Bird's Nesters" Jean-Francois Millet (Oil on Canvas / 1874)

"The Massacre of the Innocents" Pacecco de Rosa (Oil on Canvas / 1640)

"The Moorish Chief" Eduard Charlemont (Oil on Panel / 1878)

Detail from "The Moorish Chief" Eduard Charlemont

"Village Carnival" Paul Klee (Oil on Canvas / 1926)

"Peace and War" Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (Oil on Canvas / 1867)

"Liberation of the Peon" Diego Rivera (Fresco / 1931)

Detail from "Liberation of the Peon" Diego Rivera

"Fountain" Marcel Duchamp (1917) 

"Nude Descending a Staircase No. 2" Marcel Duchamp (Oil on Canvas / 1912)

"Still Life with Terms and a Bust of Ceres" Frans Snyders (Oil on Canvas / 1630)

The Fall of Icarus

Devil Head Jug

"Carnival Evening" Henri Rousseau (Oil on Canvas / 1886)

Aurora in the Asian Architecture Installation

"The Four Seasons" Leon Frederic (Oil on Canvas / 1893-94)





"Portrait of Camille Roulin" Vincent Van Gogh (Oil on Canvas / 1888)

"Sunflowers" Vincent Van Gogh (Oil on Canvas / 1888)

"The Nativity" William Blake (Tempera / 1799)

A doodle I threw down on the "canvases" laid out on the tables in the refreshment area!

Cue the Rocky Theme...

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