
Wednesday, September 25, 2013


The best and most inspiring things do come to those who wait.  When I took a trip up to Maryland to stay with my Sister during my birthday week earlier this month, things started out a bit rocky with our plans at the last minute.  I was scheduled to attend an Art Church event where I would have met my own favorite artist, Alex Grey.  Due to a scheduling conflict, the event was cancelled at the last minute leaving me a wee bit heartbroken.  We decided to spend that day instead at Assateague Island and Ocean City for a different mode of inspiration via some wild horses and scenic beach time.  After a whirlwind trip and seeing literally thousands of works of art at the National Gallery in Washington DC, The Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Baltimore Museum of Art, I'd all but forgotten about any missed ventures.  Little did I know my sneaky sister, Becca had written Alex Grey and asked if he'd sign a birthday card she sent since I didn't get to meet him.  Alex in his down-to-Earth manner, did her one better by sending back one of his own custom cards which is not only signed but DRAWN IN!  I'm stunned, inspired and shown further how the Universe has surprises in store for all of us.  Thanks Sis!  Thanks Alex!


  1. She executed and perfected the plot, the idea originated from none other than me. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. LOL- thanks Brother- absolutely the best birthday card ever!


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