
Friday, September 20, 2013

On the OTHER Hand...

Multitasking is the key.  I'm often asked just how in the world I get so much accomplished.  I blame a blend of coffee, ganja, deep-seeded compulsion and planning.

During the mornings this week, I've been working on the details of a KickStarter campaign for my ZOMBIE WALK of FAME book (which hopefully YOU will be helping me crowd-fund into reality next month!) It's been a whirlwind of a week catching up at my day job after my vacation last week.  After hours, I've been converging with Old Angel Midnight on a series of brand-spanking new paintings for my first ever marker-free solo exhibit SOLUBLE FISH opening in two short weeks at SPACE Gallery in Nashville's Arcade Building!  Of course these bad boys are under lock and key as I haven't even leaked so much as a process picture of any of these new works just yet!  Stay tuned though, as I don't think I can hold out much longer.  I don't lead a double life, but often-times a seemingly quadruple one. Just like this Topsy-Turvy doodle, there's more than one side to each story.

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