
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Untitled Nashville comes UNDONE this Saturday...

It was nearly 10 years ago when I was first introduced to the Untitled Nashville group and participated in their Heat exhibit.  For over 20 years, the anonymous and ever-evolving artist-run coalition has set up quarterly art exhibits throughout Music City.  During that time, they've stayed true to providing "Uncensored Art for Unlimited Audiences," always proud of their take-all-comers approach.  At Heat, there were over 120 artists- by far the largest event I had been involved in at the time.  This Saturday, they've again pulled together over 100 creatives from the region for one final extravaganza entitled Undone.  I'll be on hand myself and decided to take this last opportunity to show art which can't be censored by lending my crowd-pleasing "Vagina Beard Chart" which was displayed at the 2012 Dirty Show in Detroit!  The festivities are from 6-10PM at the 506 Events Gallery within the 508 Lofts in East Nashville followed by a New Orleans style funeral procession closing the event at 10PM...

From Untitled Nashville...

    "Untitled has built a reputation as an outsider, a positive disruptive force shaking up Nashville’s staid art establishment. In that role, hosting art shows that provide an alternative environment to that of our local gallery scene has been the group’s primary focus. In the last few years more opportunities for artists to show their work in non-traditional venues have followed the path first blazed by Untitled’s artists and volunteers. The diverse environment for visual arts the group first sought to create has begun to manifest itself in many new art events and organizations. Nashville’s art scene is now one where alternative art events can at times outnumber those held in traditional venues. When so many groups have taken up the mantle of hosting non-traditional shows, it becomes natural to question the relevance of, and need for, regular shows hosted by Untitled.  As a group, Untitled wishes to continue their role as quirky outsider to the Nashville art scene and in that spirit has made the decision to host only one final show in 2013 and to not plan any art shows for 2014 and beyond. Untitled’s board will continue to meet and plot how best to continue the organization’s mission – historically Untitled has had multiple periods of hiatus and rebirth in their 20 plus years in Nashville – and may re-emerge with new ways to contribute to, subvert, and transform Nashville’s evolving arts culture."

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