
Monday, January 6, 2014

In Memoriam: Baby Girl

In typical slacker artist fashion, I got most of my Christmas portraits out kinda late this year.  Last week, Paul and Becca got their presents when my Uncle Harry drove up to spend the week with them for New Years.  Their main gift was a portrait I made as a memorial for their pit bull, BG who passed away recently.  Baby Girl was a member of our entire extended family of friends.  She had the greatest smile and defied any stigma associated with her breed.  The dog was full of love, full of tricks and had a life filled with joy crisscrossing the country with my Sister the past several years!  I wanted to capture her smile first and foremost and went from there.  Becca got the best picture I could ever ask for with BG's baby boy Dubs looking at the portrait of mamma...

Rare to form, I forgot to scan the artwork before I got it framed so here's a shot of the finished product before I sent it up north...

Inks on Bristol / 2013 / 7in x 5in

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