
Sunday, January 12, 2014

TOUR of WURDZ: A Celebration of Life

TOUR of WURDZ has always been a Celebration of Life.  The most open OPEN-mic in the Galaxy made its return last night at The Coup here in Clarksville.  Nearly ten years ago, our agent of the Universe and shaman Gikuyu Wamuiru first created this event.  Yesterday marked the 34th time organizing a collaborative atmosphere where musicians, authors, artists and just plain folk express themselves live for one evening.  I did a live painting in The Coup's front gallery with Wolfman Bennett throughout the evening.  Meanwhile, the stage opened up for authors to read poetry while Derek Weatherspoon kept us entertained on guitar.  TOUR of WURDZ has the same energy and spirit no matter the size of its collaboration.  We've seen a six hour line up of bands culminating in metal mosh pits and we've seen a room full of two dozen folks seated in folding chairs to fill an art gallery with stories and poems.  Last night was a wonderful experience and fitting return to the roots of what TOUR of WURDZ is- an open sharing of expression.  Couldn't make it out last night?  The COUP will be hosting the event again on Sunday, April 20th so stay tuned for TOUR of WURDZ REDUX!!!   Here are some pictures of what you missed!

Wolfman Bennett mixing up some colors... our on-the-fly theme for the painting was "5"

Derrek Weatherspoon jamming

Damon Jennings with some Spoken Word

Pinko Socialist Jonathan Beasley

Gikuyu reading from one of his books

Proprietor of The Coup, Zach Lerman
Chad Spann

"Five to Stay Alive" spray paint and acrylics on wood / 2014 

Derrek's SHARK ART to add to the gallery space!

Fuck this Painting!

Don't worry... I gave Big Al a ride home.

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