
Monday, March 10, 2014

On the Mend

"Percocet Demon"
Over the past week and a half, I've been recovering from a handful of operations to get an infection out of my leg and my bloodstream which wrecked havoc on my body when it buddied up with a stomach bug.  For only the second time in my life, I was hospitalized for a week and am now home-bound with a home health nurse for the meantime.  Thanks for all the outpouring of care and thoughts while I was cooped up in the hospital bed last week.  Here's some drawings I did both there and here at home since I was released Thursday night and shared to the new DREGstudios Instagram! I should be back up and running as my normal self in another couple of weeks.  Thanks for all your love which gave me so much strength through this ordeal...

Hooked up to the Wound Vac


"Get Up"

"Bright Idea"

A visit from Bart

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