
Friday, September 5, 2014

My First 1st at Riverfest's Tour D'Art!

I've been a regular for years now at the local Tour D'Art which is held at the Smith-Trahern Mansion as part of Clarksville's annual Riverfest.  Until tonight however, I've not taken the top spot for any of my entries.  This year I entered "Guernica in Blues and Roses" into the Professional Drawing category and "Imperial Octopus" into the Professional Painting category.  Unfortunately, the crazy-cool octopus painting (read its story HERE) didn't even make the cut to be exhibited.  Guernica made up for things though by placing 1ST!!!  ...and of course I'm shocked...

"Guernica in Roses and Blues" Inks on Bristol Board / 2012

Miranda unveiling her "American Quilt" made from recycled aluminum cans! (Apparently they forgot to unveil it from its plastic protective bagging before the opening... maybe they thought it was part of the recycled art?)

1st Place Mixed Media - Leslie Campbell's "Summer Cicada Goddess"
I really liked this one!

1st Place Professional Painting - Tess-Marites Lankovic's "The Western Moment"
I was happy for the gal but maybe not alone in being troubled about my painting not even making it to the walls.  

1st Place Amateur Painting- Paul Jones' "Close Call"
NOW we're talking!!! Amateur?!  Very cool stuff... I have a feeling this guy won't be in the Amateur category for long!

Aurora trying to blend in as an art snob... I think we know her better than that, right?

Obligatory Brandt-Getting-His-Ribbon Shot

Obligatory Celebration Shot

Obligatory Chandelier Shot

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