
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

C is for Clarksville on the Cumberland Art Exhibit and Book Signing

Tonight the Clarksville Arts & Heritage Development Council put on a one-night art exhibit and book signing for the release of their publication, C is for Clarksville on the Cumberland.  Hosted at the L&N Train Station here in town, the artists whose work was featured displayed their creations and signed copies of the book for guests.  Each artist was chosen to illustrate, paint, photograph and otherwise create artwork for their assigned theme.  Themes were based on each letter of the alphabet and chosen by the public earlier this year.  Books will also be available for purchase at the Roxy Regional Theatre, Downtown Artists Co-Op and Customs House Museum throughout the holiday season if you missed the show tonight!

Upon my arrival, I found my submission, "J is for Cave Johnson" had already found a good home.  A couple had acquired my portrait of the local historical figure before the show even began!  It was a busy couple of hours as we actually signed hundreds of books for folks.  The turnout was absolutely fantastic and I received a great reaction to my work throughout the night.  I had a lot of fun with some familiar faces as well as meeting some new kindred art spirits!  I managed to sneak in some pictures when I wasn't being ushered back to my table because books were stacking up at my seat...

Each book had a sticker where the patrons put their initials before sending it through the room of artists!

I underestimated the turnout for the show.  I brought about 50 stickers and started stuffing them in books I signed.  I ran out in around 10 minutes!

Artists' Tables

I was delighted to be around so many creative people!

Fellow artist and drinking buddy Nathan Parker- our pages are next to one another in the layout so I got to hurl books to him at the next table all night!  Nathan created an oil painting for "K is for Karst."

Peggy Bonnington's painting for "O is for Old Time Fiddlers' Championships"

Painting by Cathy Robinson

"N is for Newspapers" mixed media by Melanie Dennis

"G is for Governors" illustration by Randy Spurgeon, who I had the pleasure of sharing a table with.  He thew in some doodles here and there in folk's books!

Painting by Gail Meyer

"Y is for Yuchi" by Bob Privett and "Z is for Zinc" by Beverly Parker

My own personal favorite entry for the book was by Terry "Doc" Smith who I had the pleasure of meeting at the end of the show.  I ganked the image of his illustration from his website to give him a plug.  The work sold and was taken home before I could get a picture of it!  Doc was assigned the crazy theme of "X is for Exits 1, 4, 8 and 11."  Wild stuff!  You can see many more of his surreal creations on his website, Smart Aleck Art!

Cheesin' with my cheese...

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