
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

SABRETOOTH Sketch Variant

As a casual comic reader, the X-Men was probably my favorite brand which I read off and on throughout my youth.  Since revisiting my love for the sequential arts the past five years or so, I've found myself going back again and again for more of the mutant saga.  A few weeks back, I drew on the first of two Wolverine #1 blank Sketch Variants I picked up to illustrate.  The first cover featured Wolverine so I only found it fitting that the second feature his arch nemesis- Sabretooth!  Being a fan, I had a lot of fun drawing one of the staple villains I've seen in action since I was a kid.  Interestingly enough, Victor Creed was around the Marvel Universe for nearly 10 years before being crossed over into the X-Men to find his place in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and in Wolverine's world.  He matches the companion cover well...

This is how it all went down courtesy of the DREGstudios Instagram!

Initial Sketch

Initial Linework

Coloring in Progress

Final Linework In Progress

Sabretooth and Wolverine Side-by-Side!!!

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