
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Top 10 COMMENTS of 2014

Art is capable of drawing a broad range of response from its audience.  It is the audience who truly defines art with their reaction.  Whether it be humor, adoration, inspiration or disgust, the end result of art is emotion in its purest reactionary form.  Each year I share the Top 10 Comments shared on my blog by readers and art patrons who visit.  Here are some of the words of wisdom from last year...

I could totally see this as a cover for one of Burroughs' books! I'm sharing this over on the Facebook page for Burning Furiously Beautiful: The True Story of Jack Kerouac's "On the Road." 

-Stephanie Nikolopoulos on 

What color is the sky in your world, Brandt? 

-Anonymous on 

Unique portrait, I like it. Interesting idea with the shells...haunting yet beautiful just like the music. Nirvana is one of my biggest musical influences and I can definitely relate to Kurt and the depression. Music is one of my main outlets.

-Anonymous on 

This is why I don't go to bars. I used to go to bars and draw a lot. Being voyeuristic seemed romantic. After time went on I realized that I never saw anything positive in bars. All I witnessed became redundant and predictable.Yeh... sometimes you meet an interesting person with a new and wild summary of their life. But. after a while, it's all the same swan song. 

-Michael McKelvey on 

Brandt, I think your work exposes the openness of Maya's spirit and personal unveiling of spirit for her audience, front and centre, clearing the clouds of doubt and lifting ideas toward new flight...thank you for producing such a wonderful memory of her alongside the words she used to crack the world right open with her. You have achieved a beautiful representation that no doubt for me, Maya would approve of wholeheartedly and with lavish love from her to you...keep up your work that speaks to many other souls, particularly mine! Thank you for sharing!

-Kathy Kise on 
In Memoriam: Maya Angelou

Omg I've found a way to make $4,000 a week from working at home and of course I wanted to share that info on this site only because it's only for people who love Hitler. LMAO 

-Anonymous on 

Your comments are verging on criminal libel. A grand jury examined a ton of evidence and determined that this wasn't murder. You disgust me. You are either incredibly naive, incredibly stupid, or just a lame opportunist trying to use this tragic situation to promote your artwork. I'm not sure which is worse. 

-Anonymous on 

Awesome doodles! It’s nice to see artists who are using their talents to help those people who are battling against a dreadful illness. It’s been a year now, and I do hope you raised more funds for the sake of your beneficiaries. Moreover, I hope that you’d be able to auction more paintings and doodles for charitable purposes. More power to you! 

-Gerald McCarthy on 

Beautiful drawing, and great writing. I'm not American, don't live in the U.S. either, but I'm an African mother living in Europe with my two teenage sons, and to read of all this needless killings of young men about my sons age has me very distraught. We have yet a long way to go, and all of us, regardless of race, should stand together and force the system to see young black men as just young men, without the black- and treat them just as they'd treat young white men or Asian men.

-Anonymous on 

Signs and signage – road signs, movie marquees, newspaper headlines real and imaginary, municipal signs, electronic message boards, storefronts, etc. – function as important indicators of the shifts, changes, and developments in Angstrom’s consciousness as he grows older throughout the decades chronicled in Updike’s ‘Rabbit’ series. Perhaps I should say Angstrom’s awareness of the signs, or, to be a bit more accurate, Updike’s descriptions of Angstrom’s awareness of the signs, rather than the signs themselves.

-Elizabeth on 

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