
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Preview of this Saturday's Valentine's Masquerade and Art Exhibit!

My new work, "For Richer or Poorer" will be on display at No Egrets Tattoo and Art Gallery for their Valentine's Masquerade which takes place this Saturday night.  The new illustration is a very involved piece I created just for the show.  A cartoon heart and human heart are fused over a landscape which gradates from day to night and attempts to capture the duality of love.  Curated by our good friend Joe Melanson, the party will feature live music and artwork from several local artists.  Of course the killer staff of No Egrets will be on hand creating custom body art for folks!  Wear a mask because there will be door prizes for the best ones!

Here are some process pictures from the drawing process of this new work...

Preliminary sketch of the heart and flowers

First broad strokes on the initial inking

Process on the various line weights

Size reference shot with a nickel to show how small I was working

Finished linework

First layers of color on the gradated background

The pile of markers I used on just the sky!

Pink is my favorite color!

Progress on the coloring

Initial sketch of the arrow ends which will be framed on either side of the finished work

Linework on the arrow ends

Finished product before the framing... you'll have to come out to the show to see it put together!

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