
Friday, March 25, 2016

Beavis v Butt-Head: Dawn of Bunghole

I've had slew of wicked fun with these blank Variant Covers as of late!  I've found myself really going one of two routes with them- I have "mashup" covers like this one or I've been doing a "visionary" version of a classic hero or villain via a third eye and some psychedelic coloring.

If you like the ones I've been sharing, I have a few of the Variant comics with my original art on them for sale on my eBay right NOW (Click HERE!)

I'll be sharing some more of these here on my website as I finish them up.  I currently have almost 20 with lined artwork on them ready to color!  I've mentioned in previous posts about these sketch covers being like a childhood dream come true by putting your artwork on a real comic book!  Too much fun!  

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