
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

HULK vs SUPERMAN Variant Cover

I've been having mad fun the past few weeks filling up some more Variant Covers from various comic lines.  I recently completed this Indestructible Hulk Cover with a clash of the titans, Superman and The Hulk!  The composition from this drawing is inspired by the cover art for Batman #497 by Kelley Jones.  The cover famously portrays Bane breaking Batman's back (and was one of my coveted issues as a teenage geek).

This is a mash-up of sorts by using a bit of famous source material, only with my own dream match-up!  Hulk's glowing red from getting blasted by Supe's beams but he seems to have the upper hand here on the cover...

1 comment:

  1. Whoa - this i actually a pretty good and expressive piece. I think an actual (modern) superman vs Hulk crossover would be a fantastic thing that would draw a lot of fans. I wrote a piece on this here - check it out if time permits. Thanks, and great artwork!


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