
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Na-ture Boy Wooooooooooooooooo!

Here's a new artistic tribute I concocted this week of The Nature Boy Ric Flair!  Growing up a child of the 80's and 90's, the wrestling legend's flamboyant personality was a staple of Saturday mornings.  Later on as a teenager, a group of my friends would carpool to wrestling events regionally when we had the chance to score tickets.  I was lucky enough to see him wrestle a couple of times at the WCW's annual Starrcade which found its home in Nashville for a few consecutive years.  The man is still stylin' and profilin' as he'll make an appearance this weekend at FanBoy Expo in Knoxville!  I'll be there as well and will be giving the man himself the gift of art for all the years of entertainment!  I just have to stop this woooooooooo-ing I've picked up while drawing his portrait... I dare you not to yourself when you look at the picture!

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