
Friday, September 23, 2016

ZOMBIE WALK OF FAME book is available on AMAZON!

Thanks again to everyone who pledged to my KickStarter campaign to fund the publishing of my ZOMBIE WALK of FAME book!  Even though the campaign failed to reach its goal, I've decided on another avenue of publication.  Now, my collection of 101 iconic zombie celebrity portraits is available on!  At $22,95, this full color collection of hand-drawn artwork is over $7 cheaper than the initial pre-order price which was on KickStarter!  Also, I'm offering a free drawing to the FIRST 5 people who purchase the book and give it a review on Amazon!  After posting your review, just message me on social media or with your shipping address and I'll drop a drawing and DREGstudios! swag pack in the mail to you as my way of saying thanks!

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