
Monday, October 24, 2016

Memphis Comic Expo 2016

After living in Tennessee for over thirty years, I finally made a visit to Memphis this weekend!  I was in good company with a ton of great artists for this year's Memphis Comic Expo.  The headlining guest and artist was the legendary George Perez, who I had the privilege of meeting at the show.  He's a class act and we all really enjoyed watching him give each attendee a genuine fan experience!  He was the first and last person working both days setting an example for every young artist in his presence!  Another new and growing convention, the weekend was a bit slow as far as foot-traffic making for a rough few weeks on the road lately but I'm not deterred.  Next weekend I'll be back in Knoxville for the Halloween Fanboy Expo!  More to come but for now here are some of the pictures from the fun-filled convention in Memphis...

Visionary Portrait of George Perez I created live on Day 1 of the convention... I presented it to him Sunday afternoon.  She showed it to the line of fans at his table and explained that I found his third eye!  Then he told them he usually covers it with his hair...

Cartoonist Dale Martin was a fun neighbor who gave some great conversation over the course of the convention!  You can Click HERE to visit his site and check out his Web Comic which you can also purchase in print!

This young cosplayer won 2nd Place in the Costume Contest!  Very cool!

Mandatory Eleven from Stranger Things post... love this character!

A young Mad Hatter and Quicksilver

It's always great seeing Memphis native Michelle Duckworth!  We've been in a few gallery shows together over the years and I adore her artwork!  Click HERE to visit her site and see Much MORE!

Batman / Joker mashup live drawing!

Thor and Wolfman Captain America

Weston Notestine's comic Verdugo will make your fucking eyes bleed!  Check him out HERE!

Party on Wayne - Party on Garth

Captain Morgan and Storm

Kai Arron is a trippy young illustrator!  This was her first convention and I swapped a drawing with her.  Go show her some love HERE!

Awesome Walking Dead cosplay!  The paper mache head is spot on and looks just like Darryl!

Turns out Darryl is a Stephen King fan!  Now he's a DREGstudios fan!

Memphis Batmobiles!  The '89 belongs to St Jude Children's Hospital and the '66 belongs to Memphis's own Jerry "The King' Lawler!

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