
Friday, December 12, 2014


Today is a pretty special day here at  Exactly five years ago, I made my very first blog post.  It was another 18 months or so later when I decided to convert my existing website completely over to the blog format.  In hindsight, I couldn't be happier with the results of consistently updating my friends, family and fans of the day-to-day workings of my craft.  Art is my hobby, my therapy and my passion.  It's a religion which drives and revives me.  It's my medicine and encompasses a great deal of my own personal sense of worth and accomplishment.  Writing has always been my second love and this blog has served as another outlet in itself fusing my words with the images I create.  Thank you for taking the wild ride with me and here's to 5, 10, 20 and 50+ more years sharing the joy of art with you and your fresh eyes!  Knowing you are there keeps me going... 

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