
Monday, December 15, 2014


This past week dealt some changes to my general outlook on my life and my future.  No matter how hard we plan and chart our course, our footfalls the next day seem to be guided by more powerful forces than our own ambition.  Sometimes we find we've been focused on the wrong things and have to step back in order to re-align our thoughts.  Today I'm feeling a bit like my older self and remembering to keep the child-like wonderment of art, friends and fun in my life.  The Universe puts certain folks in your path for guidance when you need them.  I experienced such visits over the weekend which helped get my sight grounded again and realize I was already home and already where I needed to be the whole time.  Looking forward to the holidays with my loved ones and to the journeys ahead next year...

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”

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