
Monday, December 29, 2014

The Gift of Art

Grandma with her portrait of Jesus

This year for Christmas, I invited my immediate family over to the house for Aurora and I to host a fun-old-fashioned-family Christmas! This was a treat because its the first time in quite a while we'd all been under the same roof together for such an occasion.  I gave all the family members copies of the C is for Clarksville on the Cumberland book I recently had artwork featured in.  I also created custom portraits and artwork for all my guests.  I was scrambling to get everything framed before Christmas Eve and forgot to scan all the illustrations.  Fortunately, my sister got some great pictures of everyone holding their new eye candy!

Mom with her copy of the C is for Clarksville on the Cumberland book featuring my portrait of local historical figure, Cave Johnson.

I finally created my Mom a Stairway to Heaven drawing she's been asking about for years.

My Uncle Harry with a portrait of him and my late Aunt Liz who passed away last year.  Click HERE to see the memorial portrait of Liz I created for her funeral.

Paul with the Jellyfish painting I gifted him and my sister from my Soluble Fish exhibit last year! Click HERE to see pics from the exhibit at Space Gallery!

My Aunt Naomi has collected owls ever since I can remember.  Now she has a new one for her collection!

My sister Becca and I posting with Dad's new portrait of us as kids.  I had a bit of fun drawing 9 year-old Brandt in a Batman T-shirt!

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