
Monday, May 9, 2016

Happy Mothers Day with Daryl Dixon

I was commissioned for a very unique Mothers Day portrait last month by my friend Miranda.  She wanted me to create a work of art featuring her mother Barbara and Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead.  Now the holiday weekend has passed, so I can share the new artwork with you!  This was a lot of fun because it fused some fan art with portraiture which has become a specialty of mine.  Miranda and Barbara are both artists themselves and I was all too happy to create this uncanny keepsake for them.  This wasn't the first time I drew Barbara as five years ago, Miranda also commissioned me to draw a wedding portrait of her mother marrying Albert Einstein (click HERE to see)!

Inks on Bristol Board / 2016 / Brandt Hardin

Every wanted to see yourself along side your favorite celebrity?  Email me at to discuss your commission idea with me!  I accept installment payments and can draw you WITH anything or AS anything you can imagine!

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