
Friday, May 6, 2016


A little over a year ago, I was honored to be present for one of the best art exhibitions I'll ever see at Brooke E's Random Monsters.  The exhibit was packed with folks who showed up to see Brooke's life work in this one night retrospective (and her first solo show.)  To celebrate the one year anniversary of this event, Julian (Brooke's husband) released a coloring page of one of her unfinished illustrations, asking fellow artists and friends to create their own art in her memory.  After a few weeks of staring fondly at the image, I did so this evening.  Here is my version of "Dia De Los Meow-ertos" which I colored with my trusty markers...

(Inks on Bristol Board / 2016 / Lines by Brooke E & Colors by Brandt Hardin)

I met Brooke E at a live art event in Murfreesboro in 2008.  We painted together and swapped artwork that evening.  I was an instant fan of hers.  I watched as she earned her degree a few years later and as she created a magnificent body of work which will live on long beyond her time here with us.  She was brazen and didn't pull any punches when it came to speaking her mind either through her words or art.  Sadly, last year the local arts community lost her passionate voice as cancer took her life.  Brooke fostered a community among the lowbrow artists here in Tennessee and in every sense of the word brought us together.  We miss you gal!  

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