Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Inside Job

Here is a fun digital work which took a ride to San Diego late last year to Thumbprint Gallery for their PROPAGANDA exhibit. I had him matted with a white matte printed with the company logos from all the corporations who profited from the Middle Eastern invasions of the past decade.

Dick had a grouchy ride back via ground service FedEx. Dick doesn't like me very much because I argue with him all the time so I had to let him stay at my dear friend Su's house. I think they're getting by... I wouldn't argue with Su. She knows her false flag operations.


  1. Dick and I get along just famously. He knows I know and that keeps him in check. Just to be sure he's in my bedroom so I can really keep a good eye on him!

  2. Cool pic.

    You and D'Antonuo should get together.

    1. Thanks Laser! I'd certainly love to do some more work for musicians.

  3. Brandt,

    Thanks for stopping by Bigger Fatter Politics and commenting about that scoundrel Dick Cheney.

    1. Thanks for returning the visit Bally... expose the demon!


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