One of many great shots Aurora captured today! |
Today was a free-spirited breath of fresh air for myself and my craft with
The Nashville Pride Festival. Aurora and I set up in the rain this morning not expecting a whole lot of things considering our unpredictable Tennessee weather. Boy were we wrong- Nashville turned out in the rain and danced it right away by the afternoon! I got to meet some colorful folk indeed who gave me great conversations about not only my art but the free will involved in making it. You see if we don't get to act and think for ourselves and be true to what we feel, there is not room for art. One of the things I didn't realize about Pride was the rich tradition behind this event with the local gay community. It's truly a holiday, having heard stories from all sorts of folks about Prides past and Prides to come.

Throughout the day I had countless company with new friends, old friends, and people of every variety. One encounter however didn't hit home until I got back to the hacienda tonight. While talking with a gentleman from California about art and cognitive freedoms today, he introduced his lady friend, Joslyn who purchased one of my
Topsy-Turvy prints. He gave me a flier and told me to come and see her dance this evening at a local club. One side of the postcard was for his business,
The Dildo Doctor which provides "Over 150 styles of HypoAllergenic Glass Pieces." One the other side was a promo shot for
Joslyn James (the porn star who was involved with Tiger Woods.)
Here are some great pictures, most of which Aurora took today at the festival!
(Left) I lucked out with my spot in the shade! (Right) View from just behind our booth down onto Riverfront Park and the Main Stage. If you looked directly behind our tent, it was directly across from Titan Stadium. |
The Main Stage area |
With my friend Zach, who was the architect behind my Fred Phelps portrait which I displayed today! |
Aurora with Su (A True Patriot and Teapot Party Office Holder!) |
Kevin Roger's awesome words of wisdom... |
What fabulous pictures Aurora got! Visiting with you guys was truly the highlight of my day. So glad we were able to hook up. Thanks for the sweet tag on my photo. Much love to you both!
ReplyDeleteI agree Suanne. I really, really like the first picture posted in this update. It really is a great photograph. I am glad you had a good day today Brandt. I am sure it was refreshing to be a part of an influx of creativity and positive vibes.
ReplyDeleteSu- you coming by was a real treat and the HIGHlight of my day as well!
ReplyDeleteNick- I've been telling her what a strong photo that first one is and trying to encourage her to enter in into a juried show at some point. It was like being put through a creativity sauna and coming out the other side beaming!